All About CBD Oil Types, Their Ingredients

As CBD oil has grown in popularity, so too has the terminology that is used to describe the products. To differentiate themselves and their products from others, many companies have created various types of CBD oil. This guide to CBD helps you to understand the basics of CBD oil and how it could benefit you.


In this article, you will learn all about CBD oil types, their ingredients, and what the health benefits are.



Most Commonly Used CBD Oil Terms

Before we can discuss the different types, it's important to be familiar with some terms you'll come across when researching CBD oil. These terms can often make it difficult to find what you are looking for in your CBD research. People often get confused by the terms 'CBD concentrated', ’raw CBD oil', and PCR Hemp Oil or PCR CBD.




CBD concentrates refer to CBD extracts containing a high concentration of cannabidiol. You will most likely be searching for a CBD concentrate when searching for a CBD product. Concentrates come in many forms.


  • Trumble
  • Crystals And Isolate
  • Distillate
  • Extract (CBD Oil).
  • Shatter
  • Wax


These high potency products often contain between 45% and 99.9% Cannabidiol. These products provide a high dose of CBD in a shorter amount of time. It is important to note that CBD extracts may not be all concentrated.



Raw Hemp CBD Oil

Raw CBD oil can be made without heat or solvents. A CO2 extraction process is used to extract raw CBD oil. The majority of the original plants remain intact during and after extraction, so the product contains the entire spectrum of cannabinoids from the plant, including CBDa. In addition, all of the cannabinoids are present in the product. The terpenes & pigments are also included.



PCR Hemp Oil 

When talking about CBD and THC, the term cannabinoids are used a lot. A cannabinoid is a category of chemical compounds created by multiple biological species. PCR stands for phytocannabinoid riches. 


Phytocannabinoids refer to phytocannabinoid-rich cannabinoids.

The terms "PCR" (phytocannabinoid riches) hemp oil and "PCR CBD oil" simply refer to the fact that the oil is high in cannabinoids. For compounds that have CBD and/or other cannabinoids such as CBD, the terms PCR CBD hemp oil or PCR CBD will be more accurate than 'CBD Oil'.

Here are the main CBD oils.



CBD Isolate Vs Full Spectrum CBD.

People often use the term CBD oil interchangeably to describe multiple products. Although CBD oil is often used interchangeably for multiple products, it may not be accurate since many CBD oils have several cannabinoids. CBD oil is mainly extracted from hemp plants ( vs.). CBD oils can be classified by their cannabinoid level.


There are three main types you'll hear of CBD oil:



Difference Between Broad Spectrum, Full Spectrum, And Isolate In Cbd Oil?


The difference in CBD isolate, broad-spectrum, and full-spectrum is simply due to the chemical compounds contained in each product.


Full-spectrum CBD contains all cannabinoids. Broad-spectrum CBD includes all other cannabinoids or plant compounds than THC.


CBD isolate contains CBD and is usually found in crystallized or powder form.



What Is CBD Isolate?

CBD isolate is CBD oil. An isolate contains CBD only and no other cannabinoids. Many companies sell CBD isolate as a powder or crystal, but some also sell it in oil form.


It is extracted in the same way as other CBD oil. The difference is the CBD is then filtered once the cannabinoids were extracted. The CBD goes through winterization which involves chilling it to remove all chemical compounds.

Vaping is a common use of isolate. The powdered form or crystal form can be used by simply putting it under your tongue. It's cheaper than other CBD forms and doesn't contain any THC. The downside is that it doesn't have the entourage effect. This occurs when the oil has a full spectrum.